This perennial Christmas classic tells the story of a little old man named Kris Kringle, living in a retirement home, who gets a job working as Santa for Macy’s. Kris unleashes waves of good will with Macy’s customers in the commercial world of New York City by referring parents to other stores to find exactly the toy their child has asked for. Seen as deluded and dangerous by Macy’s vocational counselor, who plots to have Kris shanghaied to Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, Kris ends up in a court competency hearing. Especially at stake is one little girl’s belief in Santa. In a dramatic decision, the court confirms Kris as the true Santa, allowing Susan and countless other children to experience the joy of childhood fantasy.
“Miracle on 34th Street” Adapted by Mountain Community Theater from the novel by Valentine Davies and based upon the Twentieth Century Fox motion picture opens Friday, December 3rd, at Clear Creek Community Theatre (CCCT) in Nassau Bay.
CCCT’s Performances run December 5-21 at 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays and 2:30pm on Sundays. There will be two additional matinee performances on Saturday, December 13th and Saturday, December 20th at 2:30pm. Call the box office at 281-335-5228 to reserve your tickets and for information on special appearances and photos with Santa Claus!